To his Japanese mother he is Tojo Roberts, but to his American dad and everyone else he is Joe. He returns from active duty in Iraq with nightmarish PTSD and unexpected treasure, and he struggles with both. He meets Lisa, a beautiful young Japanese American who also suffers from PTSD. Joe agrees to help her seek revenge on the man who attacked her and they form a tight bond. Together they come up with a rescue plan, made possible by Joe’s unexpected fortune.
RESCUE MAN is my first self-published novel. It will be available in hardcover, softcover and as an ebook through both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The ebook will be available at the discounted price of $1.99 beginning on May 16th and ending on May 31st. After, the price will go to $6.99, so get yours at the low intro price before May 31st. If your preference is hardcover or softcover, you can pre-order it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, WalMart and a host of other venues before the release date of May 31st.
I’m certain that you’ll love RESCUE MAN. Word on the street is that it’s my best offering to date. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll shake your head in wonder, and you’ll hang on tight to the roller coaster romance as you make your way to the frightening ending. When you get there, don’t despair. RESCUE MAN is the first of a series.